How to Acquire Free YouTube Subscriptions (the Real Way)

The most effective strategy to enhance your organic reach on the second-largest website in the world is to get more free YouTube subscribers.
If you want to generate money on YouTube, reaching subscriber benchmarks is essential. For example, you need at least one thousand subscribers to become a YouTube Partner and begin receiving advertising money. And when your subscriber count increases, so does your "benefit level" on YouTube (think: awards, managers and production aid, starting when you hit 100,000 subscribers).
What if you want to utilize YouTube for branding and video marketing as opposed to for direct monetization? Still, you need subscribers. They increase your play counts, watch duration, and engagement, which are all crucial indications for YouTube's algorithm.
Learn how to get people to click the Subscribe button and acquire free, genuine YouTube subscribers via the use of legitimate tactics for expanding your channel.
You may also watch the video below to see our seven best techniques for expanding your YouTube audience. 

Why it's not a good idea to acquire YouTube subscribers
We understand the desire to purchase YouTube followers. We will not disgrace you for your conduct.
However, we're going to break your bubble: it won't work. The fact is that the video makers behind the greatest YouTube channels in the world do not invest time or money on dubious development strategies. They are too busy creating incredible videos.
Let's first examine how "free" YouTube subscription services function. (While remembering that nothing is really free. According to the proverb, if you do not pay for the thing, you are the product.
As stated by the program, you acquire "free" subscribers by subscribing to and favoriting other channels. Most require that you subscribe to 20 YouTube channels and like a particular number of videos. In exchange, ten channels will subscribe to your channel.
In essence, you employ yourself as a one-person clickfarm. Similar to when we experimented with Instagram engagement pods.
The firm believes that after a few days, you will tire of this continual clicking and opt to pay for YouTube subscribers instead. In either case, the service is victorious: they either get your time or your money. What do you get regardless of whether you get them for free or for a fee?

Bot subscribers that do not interact

A poor impression for your actual audience, who are likely highly concerned about authenticity.

The possibility of violating YouTube's rules on false engagement (tl;dr: you could get banned)

Possible disapproval from any companies that may one day wish to collaborate with you

In the end, it is just not worthwhile.

There are several clickbait videos that promise to explain how to get 1,000 free YouTube subscribers. Even one million! Obviously, if something appears too good to be true, it often is.

Clickbait videos amass a large amount of views from users searching for a simple method to increase their subscriber count. However, they are merely clickbait. They are not genuine. Don't spend your time unless you're looking for a good chuckle.
In reality, there is no other solution. You must put out effort. However, there are several straightforward, real-world strategies you can use immediately to begin establishing a respectable YouTube following. Let's dig in.

How to increase YouTube followers with no cost: 15 tips

Check out our tutorial on how to create a YouTube channel if you're just starting out. You should have the fundamentals of your channel in place before reading the following advice.
Here are our recommended practices for turning visitors into subscribers, from from simplest to most difficult. Don't handle them all simultaneously. Try one of these suggestions with each new video you upload, or apply one or two every week.

1. Request that your viewers subscribe

It does not get any simpler than this.

Occasionally, your audience just needs to be reminded.
Do you find the request to subscribe to be excessively salesy? If you inquire too quickly or too frequently, it might be. However, a reminder to subscribe at the conclusion of your video just makes it easy for followers to follow your work.
Remember to illustrate the value of subscribing to your channel. Ensure that you only request a membership after you have offered fresh and relevant information or made the audience laugh.

2. Conclude your video by teasing your future project.

A YouTube channel subscription is an act of expectation. If you've done your job well, viewers who have just seen what your brand is about are eager to want more. Promoting your next video and making it obvious why it is not to be missed is the most natural strategy to urge viewers to touch the subscribe button.
Obviously, this demands that you have a firm grasp on your YouTube content calendar and know what's next. (More on this to come.)

3. Verify your account with Google

All YouTube users may post videos up to 15 minutes in length by default. If you want to create lengthier material, you will be required to validate your account.
This is a crucial step for anybody who wants to establish a professional channel, since lengthier films provide you more possibilities for the types of material you may produce.
Follow the procedures at on a computer (not a mobile device) to validate your account.
After account verification, you may upload movies up to 256GB or 12 hours in length.
Interact with your audience and establish friendships (a.k.a. build community)
If you develop connections with your audience, they will be more inclined to continue viewing your content. Respond to feedback. Return to their channels.
Yes, it's fantastic when a popular YouTuber comments on your video, but who knows who will be popular in a year? Create a peer community and encourage one another. (Yes, I am discussing shine theory.)
In addition, once you're connected, your audience will provide you with a wealth of free content ideas for your next video. You are not required to take all of them.
Get More YouTube Subscribe

Not only can you post and schedule videos using Socialstore to manage your YouTube presence, but you can also add comment feeds to your dashboard. This makes it simple to examine, respond to, and/or regulate comments on all your videos from a one location.

5. Develop successful channel branding

Branding your channel is essential for letting viewers know who you are and what they can expect from your content.

Banner art

Your YouTube banner is shown to everybody who visits your channel. Perhaps they have just viewed a video and are seeking more. Perhaps they are a prospective subscriber.
Ensure that they understand where they are and why they should remain.
Your banner must be clean, consistent with your brand, captivating, and - this is the tricky bit - optimized for all devices. You do not want, for instance, your social networking buttons to obscure vital information.
We provide a helpful tutorial and free templates with the most up-to-date measurements for designing your own YouTube channel art.

Channel icon

Your YouTube channel icon is basically your logo. It shows on your channel page and everywhere you leave YouTube comments. Ensure that it accurately reflects you and your brand, and that it can be recognized even when it is little.

Channel description

This text is shown on the About page of your YouTube channel. You have up to a thousand characters to explain your channel and convince visitors to subscribe. To help you started, we have a detailed blog article on how to create excellent YouTube descriptions.

Custom URL

Your default channel URL will appear as follows:
This is... not optimal. You may modify it, though, by using a custom URL. Choose Customization from the menu on the left in YouTube Studio, then select Basic Info and scroll down to Channel URL. You may modify your URL to appear as follows:
Before you may claim a personalized URL, you must have at least one hundred subscribers. Put this at the top of your to-do list for when you reach the first subscriber milestone, if you haven't already.

Add a custom trailer to the channel

The customization options on YouTube enable you to optimize the featured video area at the top of your channel page. You may opt to display one video to current subscribers and another to non-subscribers.

7. Give your video thumbnails a name

A thumbnail is a 1280 by 720-pixel still picture that serves as the video's cover. Consider it a little movie poster. It is your finest opportunity to get someone to click on your video. (With the exception of your video titles, but more on that later.)
We're not discussing YouTube views today (that topic is covered in a separate article), so why bring it up here? Because consistent, professional thumbnails are an additional element of your channel's identity. They may help introduce yourself to new audiences as a video content developer.
Aim for brand consistency in all of your thumbnails. Utilize the same text, color palette, or even frame arrangement so that viewers (at least subconsciously) recognize that they are seeing a video from your channel.
Take a brief look at Jack Sturgess's Bake with Jack YouTube channel, for instance. His always engaging thumbnails demonstrate that his channel provides several reasons to subscribe.
Utilize the YouTube subscription options in your videos.

YouTube provides a number of interactive options to convert video viewers into channel subscribers.

Close screen
This is a still picture at the conclusion of your video where you may urge viewers to subscribe or include another call-to-action before YouTube's algorithm advances them to the next video. You may add an end screen to any video that is longer than 25 seconds during the uploading process.
You can also go back and add end screens to old videos, which may be a terrific way to immediately begin turning your current material into subscribers.
Download the free 30-day plan to expand your YouTube following quickly, a daily workbook of tasks that will help you jumpstart the development of your YouTube channel and monitor your progress. Obtain tangible results within one month.
Get the free guide now!

To add an end screen to an existing film, pick the video from the Content menu on the left side of Creator Studio. Add a Subscribe element to your video by clicking the End screen box on the right of the screen.

Brand watermark

This is an additional subscribe button that will float in the lower-right corner of your video. You may specify when the watermark displays in your videos.

To apply the watermark, pick Branding from the Customization option on the left side of YouTube Studio. All of your videos will now have the watermark.

9. Consider the concept of playlists

Playlists are an excellent technique to improve the view time on your YouTube channel. A YouTube playlist, like a Netflix series, plays a sequence of videos in a predetermined order. The viewer does not need to actively click the next video; they can just sit back and enjoy the information.
Consider each playlist as a mini-channel or an ongoing series. If someone views many videos consecutively and appreciates them all, they have many reasons to subscribe for more.
Playlists are shown, as expected, on the Playlists tab of your channel.
You may use playlists to...

Display your material in a smart manner on your channel page.

The YouTube Studio layout option allows you to create up to 12 parts to your channel homepage. This enables you to showcase your greatest material immediately, so that new visitors see your best works while they consider clicking the Subscribe button.
Additionally, you may utilize sections to display the playlists you generated in the previous tip. Utilize playlists that are specially tailored to the diverse demands of your audience to emphasize your comprehensive worth immediately.
People usually arrive at her channel page after doing a search for English language learning suggestions. If they choose to study grammar or pronunciation, they may see instantly from her playlists that there is a wealth of knowledge available.
If you're uncertain about which parts to put on your channel page, consider beginning with Popular Uploads. This will automatically gather your top 12 YouTube videos with the most views.


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